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My Philosophy

My mission and philosophy as a student affairs professional aims to re-imagine student success, empower self-authorship, encourage exploring, and adapt to unique student needs, all while building Christ-centered relationships.
          As student populations on college campuses grow increasingly diverse, it is crucial to recognize that success looks different for every student. Career and academic success are journeys, not destinations. By serving unique students in their pursuit of personal success, I recognize that success, challenge, accomplishment, failure, and growth are all personal journey milestones (Chickering, 1993). I strive to equip students with the necessary tools to navigate their journey towards self-authorship in relation to their educational, career, and life goals (Baxter-Magolda, 2011).

         I actively seek to create environments where students are encouraged to think critically while experiencing the freedom and growth that comes from trying, failing, and trying again (Sanford, 1962). I cherish the opportunity to dream alongside students as well as see them take self-actualized steps towards personal success. I recognize that as students change, so do their needs, environments and circumstances, and as a result I strive to adapt my practice and approach to address these ever-changing expectations (Student Learning Imperative, 1996). While serving students, I consistently and purposefully portray characteristics of Christ within God honoring, ethical, and grace-filled relationships with students of all backgrounds and identities. 

Core Values

Snow Capped Mountains_edited_edited.jpg


Embrace the




Design a Life that

Makes Sense

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Exlore Empathy & Understanding

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Servant Leadership in Action

Faith Integration

          As an Evangelical Christian, I believe that I am called to share the love of Christ to all people within my sphere of influence by mirroring characteristics of Christ through my words, actions, and reactions. I believe that I am expected, as a Christ follower, to exude characteristics of love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness to people of all diverse backgrounds and walks of life, in addition to offering prayer and praise on behalf of non-believers. I believe all people are 100% made in the image of God. As a result of these values that I hold, I consider it an honor to reflect said Christ-like characteristics to not only my peers, seniors, friends, and family, but specifically with the students I am blessed to serve and play a part in their journey.
 " For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them. "

Ephesians 2:10 NIV

Leadership Philosophy

          With the underlining belief that any leadership role is a privilege and an opportunity to serve others, I eagerly pursue progress and inspire confidence in others in pursuing new success. I strive for effective collaboration and engagement with students and colleagues alike, as a means to encourage them in their own leadership and professional development journey. Through creating a positive, motivational, and inspirational environment, I wish to instill fun and kindness into the world of responsibility. I encourage risk-taking partnered with excellent collaboration and communicative innovation. I believe leadership requires thoughtful action partnered with active reflection.

         My magnetic leadership style allows me to usher in change while uniting those who partner with me in the strategic process. I am committed to professionally growing both students and colleagues through setting clear goals, encouraging areas of growth, and recognizing areas of excellence. My leadership style thrives on
creating partnerships with followers, where challenge and support meet to reveal both personal and professional achievements.
" Trust is earned in the smallest of moments. It is earned not through heroic deeds, or even highly visible actions, but through paying attention, listening, and gestures of genuine care and connection. "

Brené Brown

Author and Research Professor at the University of Houston
" Good leaders must first become good servants. "

Robert K. Greenleaf

The father of Servant Leadership

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